played by Stephanie Cornelius

Another traffic jam tune. However, this was a much worse traffic jam than the one that spawned "A Mile to the Ship", and I actually managed to write the entire tune while I sat on M-14. The first part was written on the Susato C that is always in my car, the second part on my Water Weasel Bb, which I got out from my backpack when I realized I was going to be sitting there a while. I started with the opening phrase of "Boys of the Lough" and "Sunny Banks" and then tried to go in a completely different direction.

The name, then, is a literal description of the circumstances of the tune's birth, on the way to visit my parents in East China Township, Michigan. On the other hand, it's a happy little tune, so perhaps it will find another name.

Steph suggests playing it with a pair of tunes called Charlie Harris's in Toronto, BTW. I've got to work on learning them...

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